Thoughts For 50 - Pages 253 - 300 Of The Sudden Appearance Of Hope By Claire North

My name is Hope Arden, and you won't know who I am. We've met before - a thousand times. I am the girl the world forgets.
It started when I was sixteen years old. A slow declining, an isolation, one piece at a time.
A father forgetting to drive me to school. A mother setting the table for three, not four. A teacher who forgets to chase my missing homework. A friend who looks at me and sees a stranger.
No matter what I do, the words I say, the people I hurt, the crimes I commit - you will never remember who I am.
That makes my life difficult. It also makes me dangerous...
THE SUDDEN APPEARANCE OF HOPE is the tale of a girl no one remembers, yet her story will stay with you forever.

Lauras Thoughts
I don't know what it is maybe I had some of that brain testing/surgery that Hope had during this segment but I think I may have enjoyed that. Claire is slowly starting to focus less on useless facts and filling the pages up and actually writing a fictional story again now!
I'm starting to find that I am slowly gaining an understanding of Hope and who she is, I feel like Claire North has been quite clever in the way that she is now allowing us to see a bit of who Hope is as Hope is begining to trust and let people in. Maybe North wanted us to feel like the other characters when meeting Hope, as though she was a stranger to us aswell.
Jens Thoughts
Every week I have to pick up this book, I think: ‘do I have to?’ I have never picked it up wanting to read it. It’s not like with our previous ‘Thoughts for Fifty’ book, were it was a joy to read every week. It’s like I am constantly waiting for something to happen. The characters I tend to forget too, it’s probably not Claire North’s fault: this book was not meant to be read in instalments. I believe the whole thing is a metaphor and a comment on society: those who do not have perfection, will be forgotten.
I love the relationship between Hope and Byron14 though, it’s just the narrative and the bits in between I do not like: the factual bits. I just want more action that’s all.

Laura Predicts
  • Byron14 dies and Hope wants revenge for it
  • Byron figures out what makes Hope forgettable and just makes herself forgettable without helping Hope be remembered and Hope can't find her.
Jen Predicts 
  • Byron14 will have perfection
  • Hope will get perfection and be remembered
  • Grace will make another appearance

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