Thoughts For 50 - Pages 201 - 252 Of The Sudden Appearance Of Hope By Claire North

My name is Hope Arden, and you won't know who I am. We've met before - a thousand times. I am the girl the world forgets.
It started when I was sixteen years old. A slow declining, an isolation, one piece at a time.
A father forgetting to drive me to school. A mother setting the table for three, not four. A teacher who forgets to chase my missing homework. A friend who looks at me and sees a stranger.
No matter what I do, the words I say, the people I hurt, the crimes I commit - you will never remember who I am.
That makes my life difficult. It also makes me dangerous...
THE SUDDEN APPEARANCE OF HOPE is the tale of a girl no one remembers, yet her story will stay with you forever.

Laura's Thoughts
I feel like I might be owing Claire North an apology over the next few posts... I enjoyed the majority of these 50 pages only getting lost a little when the subject of perfection came up during a conversation between Byron14 and Hope, up to this point I have found it hard to find an emotional connection to Hope making me feel disconnected from the book but I think we finally gained some emotion from her and hope it will continue to grow from there.
Jen's Thoughts
So yes I enjoyed these last fifty pages, is there hope for Hope? The first bit was mostly about her getting into Perfection for Byron14; filled with tedious facts and narratives, which as a reader I didn’t really want to know. But the second bit was the meeting of Byron14 and Hope. It was most revealing about the app ‘Perfection’ and Byron14’s story and ended on a cliff-hanger of Hope stating why she is obsessed with it. And no it wasn’t some lesbian undertone with her and the girl who committed suicide earlier on in the book.
As a character Hope is dislikeable from the start, but I feel we have reached a turning point with her and with the book. Finally I feel we are getting somewhere. I actually felt for with her revelation and wanted to give her a hug. I just hope that next week’s fifty pages don’t go back on this. Claire North’s book as a whole is very up and down, I think the story in short is a good idea; I just wanted it to move quicker. I am an impatient bitch.

Laura Predicts
  • Byron14 will take Hope under her wing and help her become remembered
  • Parker will return to Hope and admit that he remembers her anyway
  • We will become more emotionally involved with Hope
Jen Predicts
  • Hope will meet Parker again and he will remember her
  •  Byron14 and Hope will become firm friends like mother and daughter
  • A pregnant Hope?
  • Rafe will end up dead 

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