It started when I was sixteen years old. A slow declining, an isolation, one piece at a time.
A father forgetting to drive me to school. A mother setting the table for three, not four. A teacher who forgets to chase my missing homework. A friend who looks at me and sees a stranger.
No matter what I do, the words I say, the people I hurt, the crimes I commit - you will never remember who I am.
That makes my life difficult. It also makes me dangerous...
THE SUDDEN APPEARANCE OF HOPE is the tale of a girl no one remembers, yet her story will stay with you forever.
Laura's Thoughts
I am starting to feel as though I am reading a non-fiction book in parts rather than a fiction book. In some parts of this story Claire North can write from a sentence to a page of information based on the cities that Hope is travelling to, to definitions of words we clearly already know otherwise we wouldn't be able to read and understand the book.
I am hoping to be proved wrong as the book draws to an end and achieve the understanding of what is actually going on. The last few pages of this section actually grabbed my attention and made me want to read more, I hope it keeps it up.
Jen's Thoughts
Well where do I start? It’s a very confusing book.
It delves into the past of a character we haven’t met yet??? What is going on???
But I think I have worked it out…. or maybe my brain has worked overtime. The whole story of Hope is a metaphor and a statement on society about vanity and the quest for perfection. The personified Hope wants to bring down this ‘Perfection’ app and the reason why she is forgotten, because she is usually denied as people tend to lose hope in various situations.
Whether I am right or not remains to be seen…. I just want to gain some understanding of this book, as every week I feel it’s a chore in reading the next fifty pages. If I am right, could Claire North be in fact a genius?
It delves into the past of a character we haven’t met yet??? What is going on???
But I think I have worked it out…. or maybe my brain has worked overtime. The whole story of Hope is a metaphor and a statement on society about vanity and the quest for perfection. The personified Hope wants to bring down this ‘Perfection’ app and the reason why she is forgotten, because she is usually denied as people tend to lose hope in various situations.
Whether I am right or not remains to be seen…. I just want to gain some understanding of this book, as every week I feel it’s a chore in reading the next fifty pages. If I am right, could Claire North be in fact a genius?
Laura Predicts
- Parker is on the opposing team and will prevent Hope from completing her mission
- Hope will hand herself in to stop something happening to one of these people she always talks about missing
Jen Predicts
What can I possibly predict...
- Hope will kill someone
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