Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we are given a different top ten to complete. For more information and a list of past and future topics, go here.
Finally a topic where you can get to know Laura and Jen a little bit more, we are also looking forward to reading your ten facts and seeing what else we have in common with you all other than books.

Ten Facts About Laura
- I am left handed
- I have a phobia of people in masks/ fancy dress where I cannot see their faces or expressions
- I am engaged
- I am a huge Game Of Thrones fanatic, I have read all the books, watched all the series and even got engaged on the tour in Belfast.
- I am a mermaid... Well I am not really a mermaid but I spend about 6 hours at a time in a bath with a book.
- I am 25 years old and was supposed to be born on Christmas Eve but came a month earlier... I am so glad I didn't want to miss out on presents.
- I have an obsession with books (obviously), monkeys, owls and tote bags... If I manage to combine any of these things together I am one happy bunny.
- I love every shade of blue
- I love musicals
- I have a double barrel first name, Laura-Michelle, my auntie is called Michelle and she supposedly grabbed me off the midwife before I was even out so my Mum found it fitting to name me after her.
Ten Facts About Jen
- I am trangender
- I love reading... In case you hadn't guessed
- I am 37, but don't look it/or act it... cleanse, tone, exfoliate, moisturise
- I have many qualifications, too long to list, but I went to university twice!
- I am scared of sharks... I can't even bring myself to watch Jaws
- It took me seven attempts to pass my driving test
- I am a strange person, I watched my recent mole removal operation
- I think Laura is my book wife
- I love Disney
- I write prose and poetry
I also love GoT!! Although I still need to finish of the series books wise. They are just so epic! And I also love Disney!! I love Disney and firmly believe that you are never too old for it!!
ReplyDeleteAhhh Game of Thrones is AMAZING. I've read all the books (well, I listened to audios to make them slightly less daunting ahhaha) but I haven't watched the latest show season because, I was silly enough to want to wait for the book first. LIKE THAT WILL EVER HAPPEN. *cries*
ReplyDeleteI love reading too. ;) ;) So clearly you both have excellent priorities! ;D
Here's my TTT!
I've never seen or watched GoT, but i also love musicals.I passed my driving test after two Jen, and sharks terrify me as well.
ReplyDeleteHere's my top ten :)
And here is my blogoversary giveaway as well! Help me celebrate six years!
I love musicals and Disney too!
ReplyDeleteMy TTT: